Project information

  • Category: Educational Video Game
  • Client: Bangla School
  • Project date: 01 March, 2022
  • Project URL:


In my role on the Bangla Iskool project, I contributed to the development of an educational game designed to make learning Bengali engaging and enjoyable. This cross-platform mobile game is accessible on both Android and iOS devices.

Key Responsibilities and Achievements:

#Gameplay Programming: I played a pivotal role in crafting the gameplay mechanics, ensuring a seamless and immersive learning experience for users.

#In-App Purchase System Integration: I integrated the in-app purchase system, allowing users to access premium features and content effortlessly.

#Notification System: Leveraging the OneSignal SDK, I implemented a robust notification system that keeps users engaged and informed about their progress.

#Analytics with Firebase: I incorporated Firebase Analytics to gain valuable insights into user behavior, enabling data-driven decision-making for further improvements.

#Social Integration with Facebook SDK: I integrated the Facebook SDK, allowing users to connect with their social networks, share achievements, and enhance their overall gaming experience.

#Image Processing with OpenCV and Python: I employed OpenCV and Python to create a sophisticated letter recognition system, enabling users to learn Bengali characters through image processing technology.

Bangla Iskool is not just a game; it's a unique educational platform that combines entertainment with learning, making it easier for users to master the Bengali language. I'm proud to have been a part of this project, contributing my expertise in game development, programming, and integration to help learners embark on an interactive language-learning journey.